Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What Day?

What day is it anyway? If it wasn't for our old people's pill containers, we would not have a clue.

Meme's breathing was so poor that we put in a call to her MD Anderson pulmonologist.  They responded about the time we were at her appointment with the local oncologist.  We discussed her new chemo treatment with him. MD Anderson set the protocol and the local oncologist will monitor her as she goes through the cycles. 

 When the appointment was over, we went home threw some things in a bag and headed out.  We checked into our hotel about 1:30 a.m.  At such short notice, Rotary House had no vacancies so we were able to get a room nearby.  We moved in all the equipment Meme needs to breath and settled in only to find the room smelled like it was a smoking room for 50 years and they just put a new "Non-Smoking" sign on the door yesterday.  Not being able to stand it any more, and Meme couldn't sleep hardly anyway because of coughing and breathing problems, I went downstairs about 5:00 a.m. and told them they had to move us to another room. The only thing available was a suite. It is a lot better on all counts. They helped us move.

We had to be at x-ray as soon as it opened and the pulmonary appointment was at 9:00 and again at 10:30.  We caught the shuttle and breezed through the chest x-ray.  I stayed with the tech and saw the image as they took it.  The fluid in her left plural space that they drained last week was back keeping her lung from expanding.

Then 9:00 appointment wanted her to walk for 6 minutes. Her cynical "HA" followed by the coughing and the sight of the portable oxygen bottle made them lead us straight to the pulmonologist appointment.  They drained some of her fluid and put a catheter in that we will use to drain the liquid daily. 

What a difference again. We went back to the room and slept for 2 hours.  Meme slept in the bed lying almost flat. A good rest for her. And now, not even using the oxygen tank. Thank You Lord.

Blessings List:

MD Anderson reacting to our call so quickly.
A safe hurried trip.
Finding a room near the Medical Center on such short notice.
Everyone here being so nice.
Draining the plural effusion.
Having enough oxygen cylinders to make the two days.

and the best one; Meme getting some rest!!


1 comment:

  1. Grateful for some much needed rest for the two of you. Prayer for a good sleep tonight . Our prayers are continuous and many!! We love you amazing brother and sister of my heart. xoxoxoxoxoxo
