Tuesday, August 12, 2014


If I knew that you would die today
If these words would be our last,
I’d tell you what you mean to me
Before you went on your way.

If I knew that you would die today
I would lie down beside you,
And we’d talk of things that brought us joy
Before you went on your way.

If I knew that you would die today
I would hold you closely to me,
And feel your cheek upon my face
Before you went on your way.

If I knew that you would die today
There would be much to be said
I would say “I love you”, loud and strong
Before you went on your way.

Good night my sweet Beth. I'm such a mess without you.

All my love,

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kissed a Clown

Posted here by request.

Kissed a Clown

Some memories bring tears
And some bring smiles
When I think of the years
And remember the miles...

On each other we depended
A blurry line was our span
I never knew where I ended
Or knew where you began

Since from this earth you have gone
My life is so much less
I've never felt so alone
My blurry line fades to nothingness

But I should never forget
When these thoughts get me down
That I was extremely blessed
Because I have kissed a clown
Photo: Kissed a Clown

Some memories bring tears
And some bring smiles
When I think of the years
And remember the miles

On each other we depended
A blurry line was our span
I never knew where I ended 
Or knew where you began

Since from this earth you have gone
My life is so much less
I've never felt so alone
My blurry line fades to nothingness

But I should never forget
When these thoughts get me down
That I was extremely blessed
Because I have kissed a clown 

Goodnight my sweet Beth.  I would be so good to get white make-up on my face again. 
