Friday, June 3, 2011

Graduation Season

It's graduation time and we have several new graduates in our family.

Jeremy and Amiee graduated from Texas A&M. We know that it was quite an adventure for them.  They stated with a family of two and graduated with three, as little Liam arrived during this time. We are proud of them for the way they made it through the school years and we know that they will be rewarded for their struggles.

We are awaiting the official graduation pictures.  The arena is too large to get photos of him crossing the stage, so we purchased photos and expect them soon.

#1 and #2 grandchildren also graduated.  Wow, how they have grown.  Seeing them in their caps and gowns reminds us how fast they grow-up and we can imagine them in their College ceremony.

Presenting Dr. #2 and Dr. #1

Our cup is always running over!