Saturday, November 12, 2011

Third treatment.

Good morning all.  Yesterday was my third chemo treatment. Mike waited until my ziploc of liquid benedryl had been administered to start a scrabble game (thank you Jenny). He beat me sooo bad! I did not get my bone scan results, hopefully next Friday. I have learned not to call because my doctor does not like to consult over the phone. My chemo went well and only took about 1 1/2 hours. There was one familiar face in the crowd that I remembered from the week before. There are way too many people getting chemo. Cancer does not discriminate. It does not care if you are alone or if you have someone to share the journey. I am blessed, I have my bestest friend by my side at all times. And I have so many people praying and loving me so strongly that we can allow humor back into our repertoire.  Today is the big wedding, Clay is marrying Taelyr! I was prepared to wear a hat or scarf but I still have all of my hair!  Now I have to figure out what to do with it.  Yes, Debbie, my outfit will include pantyhose and thank you for the offer but don't think I will need to hire a crew to help get me in them. I know some of you may be wondering if, when you see me in public will you recognize me because of the way cancer/chemo ravages the body. Yes!! I bet I am the only one who gains four pounds the first week following chemo. In my defense, all research says to try not to lose weight AND in Duckville we only had one trick or treater!!  I love all of you so very much. Thank you for your love and prayers!
Also, 35 years ago today Mike and I were blessed with 10-pound baby boy. He was and is such a blessing! Happy birthday, Son. We love you very much.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Should have taken the dog!!

I have been dragging my feet when it comes to this update.  I tried a couple of times during the week to get the results of my PET scan, but the doctor deliberately waited until he had us captive in his office.
First of all, my Ki67 score is 35. This is a way to rate the aggression level of cancer. A high score is 24, so I am off the charts. Just like my IQ scores! lol After some home research, we decided that with this high score our doctors made the right decision to begin chemo instead of delaying it with surgery. Also cancer cells considered aggressive also aggressively absorb the very medicine that will kill these bad boy cells. So, frightening at first, the aggressiveness is actually a positive in this, our new lives.  Doc also said that I have the very best cancer possible because it is positive for estrogen receptors. This will be a huge factor in treatment, in curing and in preventing a return. AMEN!! The PET scan lit up on some areas that we had not considered and this was a real shock. Dr. Sehgal said the mass in the left breast lit up as well as the lymph nodes on the the left side. We had expected this so that was no surprise.Some of the lymph nodes under the lungs lit up but the doctor said that it could be inflamation.  My lungs, liver and other organs are clear. There is an area on my spine that showed some activity but it could be caused by the arthritis or the charco that I have been dealing with for some time.
Today I had a bone scan and we are praying that our concerns about the spread of the cancer be alleviated with this test. We have so many of you praying for us I am already thanking God for good results. 
This nightmare unfolded so quickly that we have to stop and force ourselves to catch our breath. No one is guaranteed tomorrow so we have quickly learned to do what we need to do and just live and breathe in the moment. Mike and I are dealing with our cancer with prayer, affection, humor, and at times just hanging on to one another.  We have a huge family and a family of friends who love us and who are praying for us. We not only know this but we can feel the love and prayers.
Thank you and know that we love all of you so very much. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Almost 24 Hours!

Good Saturday Morning,

It is chilly in the ol casa. I love it. I hear Aggie football coming from the living room. Well I am almost 24 hours out from having my first chemo session. My oncologist's drug of choice is taxol. My first meds were Prevaset, Benedryl and steroids to combat side effects. A sample dose of the taxol was given with no problems. (excuse my spelling) So then the entire dose was administered. I did fine. And I am still doing fine. No Debbie, I do not glow in the dark! :O) We were to have a girl's Saturday, a tradition for Heather, Haddie and me, Meme. But Heather has put the family under lock and key after a midnight vomiting bout for LJ. Seems Dad may have brought it home last week. Heather said LJ was asking for tamales for breakfast. HAHA. I love you all and I can't even begin to explain what your love and prayers mean to us. PET scan results are in the doctor’s hands but for now, another fretful wait for us. So if you want to focus prayers on scan results we would be most grateful for the backup. We love all of you so very much. Party next October to celebrate???

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What a Week!

 This week really had Mike and me on the go! Monday we had to be at Spohn South by 7:30 a.m. to have my new hardware, a medi-port, installed. We were both a little nervous after having someone call on Friday to tell me that my pre-op EKG showed a “heart attack and dead tissue.” This was followed by a giggle and the confession that she really did not know how to read one of these. The anesthesiologist read the EKG and said I was fine. It was good to have the surgery finished and to have it go smoothly. Thank you, Jesus.

If it was Tuesday, then it was PET scan. I couldn’t find a cat or dog to go so I had to take the test. They brought me to a little room and got me very comfortable. Then I was given an injection of "kryptonite" followed by 90 minutes of quiet and still. I did sleep. The scan only took about 15 minutes and hopefully I will get the good results tomorrow morning. Thank you, Jesus!

Wednesday was my heart echo sonogram. (I promise to destroy any and all technical terms) After thinking my heart was a chamber of horrors, it was so good to hear that I have a good and strong heart. Thank you, Jesus. This was one test where they allowed Mike to be there as well. I asked him, “Did you see that new place in my heart created when the grandchildren were born?” He replied, “No, but I did see Christ and me.” Tears of love flowed. He is my heart.

Today, Thursday, was a day off from medical tests. I so enjoyed lunch with my dear friend, Teri. We solved all the world problems and without even having dessert. Our lunch was followed by grocery shopping. Good to have a normal day. Tonight I took my five tiny steroid pills in preparation for my first chemo tomorrow. I plan to be just fine. I will not miss our girls’ day out with Heather and Haddie on Saturday. Haddie is starting ballet and tap and she needs the appropriate attire. So we will shop until one of us drops and I refuse to be the first!

Thank you again for your love and prayers. We cherish and love each one of you and we so appreciate each of your prayers.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Plan of Attack

     We met with my oncologist on Friday, Dr. Sehgal. We really liked his straight forward attitude and explanations. And he has a great sense of humor. The tumor in my left breast is large enough to warrant chemo before surgery. Then when I am finished with this round (I guess that is the word) I will have surgery. Surgery may be followed by radiation and more chemo. It is all so frightening right now but we both were so relieved to have a good doctor and a plan. There are a few steps first. Tomorrow, Monday, I will have surgery to install my medi-port. I imagined having a device the size of a thermostat hanging from my chest but actually it is the size of a nickel and implanted under the skin, I believe. Tuesday I am getting a PET scan, not sure whether to take the cat or the dog har har. Wednesday I have an Echo cardiogram, 2D.  Most likely I will receive my first dose of chemo this week, which I will get once a week for 12 weeks. And then I will get another chemical combo for another 12 weeks.  We are both very positive but eating and sleeping are not quite what they could be. This has been like a rollercoaster, up and sure one second and the next visit instills more fear than positivity. What really works well is we are either in the same good mood or the opposite so we can talk the other back into confidence.  WE WILL SURVIVE THIS!! So next October we may be planning an African Safari (cameras not guns) or a trip to Hawaii. 
     On a lighter note, we had a great time on a double date with Heather and Jerry last night and saw the movie "Courageous."  It was so good, we loved it.  If you have not seen it please make the effort and let me know what you think.
     Again, family and friends, we love you and we absolutely cherish your prayers. It boosts our confidence and allows for some slow breathing. My husband, Mike, is so amazing. We really do know and feel just how deep and devoted our love is for one another. God sure knew what He was doing when he brought us together. Thank you Lord!! And thank all of you, we love you very much.
excuse grammar and spelling errors ....

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Good morning all! I am feeling a little “scanxiety” today. That is a term I borrowed from Stacie Smith.

I have an MRI today to pinpoint the tumor in my breast and to see if it has spread. Mammogram indicated my left side only was involved. I am new at this blogging because I usually only edit Mike’s writings. As I know more or know how to relate more I will be back. I appreciate any and all prayers for Mike and me.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

We Prayed for a Zebra!

There is an old saying in the medical community; "When you hear hoofbeats behind you, don't expect to see a zebra".
Beth (Meme) found some abnormalities in her body last week and an appointment to our family doctor yielded the word we did not want to hear, "Cancer".  He said with all your symptoms, it is probably lymphoma. My question was, "Could it be just a minor infection or something causing the same symptoms"?  His reply brought me to remember the old saying. He said, "It could always be something else, but not likely.  We have been with our family doctor for a long time and have a lot of trust in him.  He is, in a true since, a family doctor as most of our family goes to him.

He scheduled a biopsy for us and we immediately began praying for it to be something else, our zebra,  something a few antibiotics would take care of.  The hoofbeats were building as waited for the biopsy and results the next day.  The results were "Grade 2 Breast Cancer". Her lymph nodes did not test positive, which was good.

We do not know God's plans. We do know that even though the hoofbeats sound like a stampede behind us now, He will not give us more than we can endure. 

I do know that Beth is my love, life, friend, companion (insert any endearment that you can think of). After forty years, it is a very blurry line from where I end and she begins.  It is going to be a tough few months but we give God the glory for what He is about to do.

Mike (Pappy)

Even if He slays us, our cup overflows.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Saying Goodbye to Dory!

We said goodbye to Beth's VW. She was a little sad to see her go because she had wanted a sky blue Beetle convertible since she was in high school but her dad wouldn’t let her have a “rolling death trap.”  Since they moved the engine to the front of  the car, it is much safer than the original Bug. We found the car she had always wanted.

 It was named Dory by the grandkids after the blue fish in “Finding Nemo” and was the source of many fun times. We caravanned with Karen and Stephen (Yellow Beetle Convertible) in the hill country and to the Kerrville Folk Festival . None of us tired of seeing kids, as well as adults, punch each other in the arm, as they yelled “slug bug!” Every ride with the top down and two grandkids in the backseat made a parade float and, of course, required the parade-style wave for anyone we passed. 

It was buried under several feet of snow when I had my surgery in Fort Worth and even when Beth was in a wheelchair, there always seemed to be enough room for what we needed. But our family is growing by leaps and bounds and that’s the problem with becoming more mature, nostalgia gives way to contented practicality.

So bye Dory and hello ???.  We don't have a name yet for Beth's silver Ford Escape but we're sure that one will be found when we load up the grandkids.

Our cup always overflows.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Graduation Season

It's graduation time and we have several new graduates in our family.

Jeremy and Amiee graduated from Texas A&M. We know that it was quite an adventure for them.  They stated with a family of two and graduated with three, as little Liam arrived during this time. We are proud of them for the way they made it through the school years and we know that they will be rewarded for their struggles.

We are awaiting the official graduation pictures.  The arena is too large to get photos of him crossing the stage, so we purchased photos and expect them soon.

#1 and #2 grandchildren also graduated.  Wow, how they have grown.  Seeing them in their caps and gowns reminds us how fast they grow-up and we can imagine them in their College ceremony.

Presenting Dr. #2 and Dr. #1

Our cup is always running over!

Friday, March 25, 2011

New Knee for Meme

Meme's adventure getting a new knee. 

Meme checked into the hospital on March 22 at 5:00a.m. for knee replacement on her left side.  She had her right knee replaced about 4 years ago and it really improved the pain level that she was living with.  She worked with her left side until it became too uncomfortable to walk any longer and scheduled the surgery.

Day 1 (Tuesday)

"Oh yeah, then they hit you with a big hammer to make sure you're out!" says Meme, explaining her anesthesia for the procedure to Karen.  Karen said that they "were pulling her leg", to which Meme replied; "Yes, but only after the anesthesia".

Let's get this show on the road!

The surgery went well about 4 hrs with recovery, and the doctor said, post op, "I don't know how she was walking on that knee at all".  I know that Meme is a tough girl. She was in her room by about 10:30a.m.

Karen and Heather sat with me through surgery, no scary moments like the last time, thank God.

Karen had to go home but Heather takes the day off and spends it with us. When Meme is settled and comfortable, Heather and I go to a new deli for lunch (about 2:00p.m.), Taylor Center Deli.  She shares my like for reuben sandwiches and they have a good one. The also have great cake and we share a piece of strawberry.

Meme gets to read the menu from a new deli, but eats hospital food.

Mary came for a visit after work. She has been keeping long hours at her job

Harley came to visit on his way home from work.

It was a tough night leading to Day 2. The morphine button was at hand and helped keep her comfortable enough to get a little rest. A hospital is not a restful place as there is quite a bit of activity, checking vitals, arranging equipment, etc. These all contribute to a long night for Meme with only napping.

Day 2 (Wednesday)

Day 2 was a rough day dealing with the pain.  They switched from IV pain meds to pills early in the morning.  The pills last longer but start wearing off before another dose is allowed. She naps whenever she can.  She still keeps her Meme spirits and I know that her pain tolerance is way beyond anything that I could endure.  We know that this is short term pain and when fully healed, will be so much better than the knee she has been walking on for several years. Her right knee does not hurt her and we are expecting the same for this one.

Physical Therapy came in for her first steps on her new knee! Just a few steps in the room but now she can make it the trip bathroom and regain some of her dignity.  

But still feeling good enough for Facebook! (hey I have to keep up with my peeps!)

First steps on the new knee!

Robert and Kiki stopped by in the afternoon for a visit.  A visit from friends takes her mind off the pain and lets her relax.  I think that this helps the healing process and we appreciate the visit.  Meme likes to play "Words with Friends" on her I-Phone and now has a new game with Kiki, making it about 6 games that she is playing concurrently, including one with Jenny McCumber which she is sure will be a challenge.

Heather, #2 and #4 stopped by for a visit. I think that it has been proven that hugs from grandkids speed up healing. We didn't know how it would be for them to see their Meme in bed with wires and tubes everywhere, but they were not afraid.  We know that Heather had to drive from work to pick-up the kids and then drive back to Corpus Christi.  She is superwoman like her mother. The visit really cheers Meme up. #2 was intrigued by Meme's bloody tube.

Later we Skyped with Jeremy, Amy and #5.  Technology is great and the hospital has wi-fi so everything worked for a visit with the College Station bunch. Another spirit lifting time. Meme should be up and walking for the graduation in May.

Between God, me, kids, grandkids and friends, we will love her back to health, and I know that it works.
Day 2 ended with more rest during the night.  Her pain meds were scheduled for every 6 hrs, but she
slept through the morning dose (about 6:00a.m.) and went about 2 hrs over without any meds.  She is already improving. 

Day 3 (Thursday)

Day 3 was a busy and eventful day! The night's rest, hospital rest is not the best, left her feeling better and stronger and the pain levels were lower. Though she say's she is hurting, I can tell that she is feeling better than yesterday.

There have been lots of appreciated calls from family and friends.

The morning sesson with the Physical Therapists had her walking halfway to the solarium about 50ft.

The Physical Therapists

Bill visits in the morning and brings some goodies for breakfast from S&J Bakery.

The CNA offers to wash Meme's hair and she is thrilled. Little things that can make you start to feel normal really help.

"It sure feels nice!"

The doctor comes in and removes her drain tube.  The anesthesiologist removes the nerve block tube and Meme is free of all the tubes and connections from the surgery.  They leave one IV port in her hand in case they need to administer something they wont have to stick her again.

Sandra McCauley came for a visit.  She just had orthoscopic knee surgery, so Meme and her share war stories.  She is always fun.
Granny and Booger came for a visit.  Meme has clean hair and sheets for the visit and is starting to feel better all the time.

She walks 100ft in the afternoon physical therapy session. Though tired and sore she is starting to put more weight on her new knee.  The therapists tell her that she is amazing in her progress. They teach her some exercises to strengthen her leg.

Nice view of the bay while exercising.

They changed the dressing on her incision.  This was our first look at the surgery site.  Lots of staples but looks good.  They replaced the bandages with a very large bandaid.

Harley, Bridgette, #1 and #3 come for a surprize visit.  Meme woke to little eyes looking at her and I can tell by the immediate smile that formed that she was getting better and stronger every minute. More grandkid hugs and she is really soaring toward feeling better.  Jeremy, Amiee and #5 skype in while everyone is here and the cousins get to say hello over the internet.  With Bridgette here, #6 is also in the room.

Digette(#3's pronunciation) and one of Meme's nurses (a very nice one).

The Hewitts came for a visit and told about their travels.  It was very nice of them to come by. They pray with us before they leave and lift Meme's spirits more. 

Meme makes a discovery in the evening. Her old knee hurt all the time and sometimes she would lie awake at night trying to find a comfortable position. Some nights she would not sleep but a few hours because of the pain. Now she notices that her new knee does not hurt when lying still, allowing her to fall asleep quickly.  Even though very sore when she uses her knee, it does not hurt for her to lie in bed.  God is good!

Day 4 (Friday)

Meme is sleeping well and the doctor has to wake us for his visit at 7:00a.m. He talks about her going home tomorrow. She has slept all night, except for the occasional wakings for vitals and lab work, but she goes back to sleep easily and only took half the pain meds during the night.

She woke to a challenge as Ms Kiki played "JAUNT" for 72 points during the night, on "Words with Friends" and took the lead.

Way down the hall with the physical therapist during the morning session.  They wrote down 150ft but I'm sure that it feels like a full marathon.
After the morning session we went for a roll around the ortho wing.

Now is the time that I, Meme, gets to say a few things. My husband is the most healing medicine God can provide. It confuses some when asked if he goes home at night and we both say 'no.' We are a team, whether we are healing from knee surgery or fighting cancer. Neither of us would sleep wondering how the other is doing. I make him eat and he helps me to the bathroom. thank you family and friends for your visits and calls. thank you parents for our healing doses of grandchildren, skyped or in the room. I love all of you very much.

Our friend Allison came by for a visit in the afternoon and prayed with us before she left.  God is the reason for Meme's continued healing.

At this afternoon's physical therapy sesson, Meme walked all the way to the nurses station and back, twice as far as this morning.  The therapist said that she had a natural heel-toe gait, which is something she has not had on her left side in years.  The internal medicine doc came in and said that she didn't need to be here any longer, so all we need is agreement from the ortho doc and we will be headed home to Bishop, probably tomorrow.

It was a long night as the nursing crew that was on, seemed more intrusive than usual and woke her several times during the night. She can't wait to get home to her bed and a good night's sleep.

Day 5 (Saturday)

We slept as late as they would let us. Meme was feeling a little poorly, but after she got moving was in a lot better spirits.  I think good rest without interuption will have her feeling almost normal and go a long ways toward getting her ready for the physical therapy ahead.

The Doc came in and started the paperwork for going home.  From past experience we know that the process will move quickly  once it starts.

The physical therapist came by and Meme walked the same distance she did yesterday.  With a little more rest she will be trying out for a soccer team. He went through his checklist and she completed all the goals that were set for her release.

The occupational therapist came by a little later and made her demonstrate that she could do things like put her shoes on, sit on the potty (lol), and brush her teeth.  She has been doing all of those things for the past few days, but the therapist had to witness them.  Meme thinks that the "brushing the teeth" thing may have been added at the last minute because of her breath.

Meme contracted rabies while at the hospital. Notice the foaming around the mouth.

All the paperwork completed, Meme was released just after noon.  We gathered everything and started our trip home.  Meme was ready to go.

Our camera will shoot about 4 frames per second, so I just held the shutter down and took the following sequence;

And so Meme is home.  All our prayers were answered and her healing will begin now with rest and exercise.  Pretty soon she will have be able to chase the grandkids around.

Sincere thanks to everyone for their prayers and encouragement. 

Even if we had a bigger cup, it would still run over.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Judo Aikido Workout

We try to do something together before a major medical event because we know that one of us is going to be uncomfortable afterwards. Before Beth's first knee operation, we went to a Dude Ranch and rode horses along the Guadalupe. Visiting with Steve and Mel was perfect before my event.  This time before Beth's surgery she told me that she had something planned but wouldn't tell me what it was.  She had to let me in on it a few hours before it was supposed to happen.  After contacting some of our Judo and Aikido friends, she had arranged a workout in our backyard, and prepared a meal for afterwards.  It was supposed to be about her but somehow  it was more about me, she seems to work that way.  With full approval from my doctors, it was my first workout in more that a year. It was great to see the young men and hear how they have been doing.

Adding to my frequent flyer miles courtesy of Nathan airways!

Coy delivering Sumiotoshi.

Just one toe left on the mat! Nathan and Alex.

Many thanks to Emma (self portrait) for the great pictures.

Our cup always runneth over!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Since this is the last free weekend before Beth has to prepare for her surgery, the College Station group came for a visit. I also had weekend call duty and we couldn't venture very far from town. We used our time to the fullest and gave them the grand tour of some of our favorite places.  Mario's, Kelly's and of course the Bayou Wildlife Park and Frobergs.

We weren't sure how number 5 would be with all the animals approaching the open sided tram, especially the ostriches, as they are kind of agressive about getting in your food bucket.  He was not afraid of anything and seemed to enjoy the ride and beautiful day.

The group with a rather tame whitetail.

The traditional "I'm feeding the ostrich" pose.

Look dad, water buffalo!

That is one big watusi.

After the wildlife park, it was on to Frobergs where it is strawberry season.  So we picked our own strawberries.  Can't get any fresher than that. 

Here's one!

Into the bucket.

We had a great visit and can't wait until the rest of the grandkids can visit.

Out cup overflows!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Sometime the weather just makes you grab your camera and try to capture some of the scenes around you.  The fog rolled in from the Gulf at about 4:30p.m. Friday.  Since we didn't have to be out driving, it was nice to watch it come accross our lake, eventually so dense that you couldn't see the other side. 

We need to purchase a macro lens or set of diopters for our camera bag (or do some one-stop shopping at Jenny's).

Withs God's Glory, Our cup runs over!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

First Visitors

Harley and Bridgette came to visit us for the weekend.  We had some ideas for things to do and so did they.  We made the short trip to Galveston and boarded the ferry to Bolivar, where I immediately locked the keys inside my truck.  What a way to start a weekend!  Thanks to a kind plumber for suppling the wire, Harley and I were able to break-in and unlock the doors before we reached Boliver. That was the only mishap during the visit and it was really a non-event. 

We went to Rainforest Cafe for lunch.  Interesting place!

Harley trying out a barstool at the cafe.

V-O-L-C-A-N-O!!! The dessert that we claimed too full to eat, but finished.

We discovered  the Aquarium at Moody Gardens.  Well worth the visit for anyone interested.  We have never seen an aquarium with penguins and seals.

Then we went back to the Wildlife Park.  We sat in the very back of the tram, allowing me to sit on the floor and get some interesting perspectives for the photos. 

Like Harley torturing his Mom with an Ostrich.

Or an Ostrich looking into a food container.

Harley kept trying to get them to eat off the top of my hat during the trip.

God gave us a beautiful weekend for the visit after a frosty couple of weeks.  It was great to enjoy the sun and warm weather with the kids.

Our cup truly runneth over!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bayou Wildlife Park Visit

When we are at the Apt for the weekend, we try to find local attractions that might be fun for the family when they visit.  We, of course, must check it out to determine the "fun factor" before subjecting any of the family.  Sunday afternoon we visited Bayou Wildlife Park.  With Beth's love of animals and since it is only about 10 miles away, we though we would try it. 

It's is not a drive-through zoo, but you ride a tram through pastures populated by various large animals, while carrying food. I though that the combination would provide plenty of photo-ops.

Oh... the anticipation of feeding animals!

Beth feeding an ostrich while trying to escape to other side of tram.

More pictures would be redudant as most looked the same, just change it to Beth feeding the Emu, Antelope, [Enter name of large mammal here], etc. 

I'm not saying that pictures of me would have looked much different as face to face time with large animals can be intimidating, but it was fun watching her, and we really enjoy each-other's company.

Some excitement came when the very large Watusi bull stuck his head in the tram and the young man sitting next to Beth tried to climb in her lap.  If you don't know what one looks like, google it!

They had a lot of animals and we really enjoyed the beautiful day that God provided, after the icy week we had been through.

We followed-up the wildlife park with a visit to Froberg Farms for a home-made fried pie and some fresh vegetables to take home.

Our cup does runneth over.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Birthday Bash

We celebrated #2's birthday. He hit the big 4, growing fast into a young boy. Quite smart and handsome.  Heather and Jerry created a cowboy birthday party with chili and smores around the campfire.  Great fun was had by all and I think everyone left with a sticky marshmellow coating.

Happy Birthday!

Cowboy birthday dinner!

Lanterns to find your way!

Birthday Boy! Notice the marshmellow wiskers!

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years

We got to spend New Years with Pawpaw. It is relaxing at the Welfels "Red Roof Inn".  We spent the evening awaiting the event by watching TV and made it all the way to midnight. 

You can't start the New Year without black-eyed peas and Pawpaw was in charge of them.  They turned out quite tasty.

Happy New Years to everyone and Gods blessings on all.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas 2010

This Christmas season started off with a big parade in Kingsville.  How can you have a parade without our grandchildren?

Some of the McQueens were on a Church float. I think #2 was tired of waving.

However, #1 perfected her parade wave on the float from the Vet's office. The whole family joined in.

We didn't have our tree up yet, so we enlisted some help from #1 and #3. 

There was a favorite spot on the tree that seem to collect most of the ornaments.  We had hot chocolate and cookies.  Our shy #4 did not want to help but kept an eye on the festivities.

This year's Coleman Christmas was celebrated at Ross & Cindy's house.  As usual it was great seeing the family.  Anytime we get together, we realize how blessed we are.

All five together.

The group.  Some were missing this year, but are always in our thoughts.
